Esa Mohamed’s UIA Presidential Election Manifesto

What is UIA?

ARCHITECTS have been responsible for shaping the built environment  throughout the history of human civilization.
Now they work and design across nations to create exciting new structures and habitats. Yet many of us don't realize that there is an International Union of Architects, or UIA, headquartered in Paris, that represents more than one million architects worldwide. 

What is its role? 
What is its main purpose?
UIA is an international body that represents more than 1 million architects globally. Its aim is to unite the world’s architects to share progressive ideas in architecture, planning, sustaining cultural values  and the built environment. It is in the statutes. 

Architecture is culture. Governments must adopt this precept.
Its established structure of work programs and commissions includes matters related to Responsible Architecture, Effects on Society, Urbanization, Habitat, Cultural Identity, Renewable Energy sources, City planning, Disasters, Building Facilities and many more. Additionally there are three commissions: Architectural Education, Professional Practice and International Competitions. A lot of work has been achieved voluntarily in these areas since its incorporation in 1948.  

UIA unites all who are concerned about the living environment! 

My reasons for running for the UIA Presidency

It is a noble NGO. Its membership deals with every aspect that affects human lives and habitation.  I want every government and person on this planet to subscribe to our objectives and be aware that architects are responsible for creating built environments that are sustainable, stimulating and conducive to healthy living.
I would like the world to know that UIA is the perfect vehicle for harnessing resources and knowledge from the world’s member states. It is a hotbed of ideas and innovations that can be shared by everyone with interests in the living environment. I have witnessed cooperation among architects across borders irrespective of their colour, race or religion. The energy is immense.

Members aspirations

The Institutes or Associations of Architects represent our members from each country. So the architects in that country are UIA members by default. They want to see UIA as the umbrella body which they can consult for advice on local issues that affect their practices or built environment. UIA should be influential enough to advise governments.
It should be the bastion of best practice standards that are tailored to the conditions of each region. Their government and regulators should be well advised of the international best practice standards that have been agreed to by  Architects globally. This is in line with the liberalization of services that have been subscribed to by governments in the WTO.
Global networking facilitates the mobility of architects: an area which has generated a lot of interest due to the liberalization of trade in services through the WTO. UIA can also be the agent to monitor and provide the framework which allows architects to work outside their country for mutual benefits without raising controversies.

Education, training and the young Architects

The UNESCO-UIA validation system provides standards and quality of education and training of architects that should be adopted. What is the best approach to popularise this adoption? Some countries already have their respective accreditation system. To be inclusive, UIA needs to engage validators and cooperate in recognising them.
The Canberra Accord is already an ongoing entity which UIA should maximise to promote the UNESCO-UIA validation in whatever form.
UIA can be the conduit for universities to network and share knowledge and research projects across borders. This will give opportunities for students from various countries to connect with each other. UIA activities should be introduced in the universities.
We now have a committee on young architects. Their perception of architecture, society and environment is changing in our new world today.  Technology, innovations and information flows freely across the globe. The Young architects have a lot of new ideas and innovations, which should be harnessed. We need to make them more visible now. Theirs voices must be heard a lot more. They are our future.


The main challenge is the mindset that needs changing. People have to know UIA! Architects and governments must see its importance. UIA is a social contract between members, the community and the environment. We as architects owe it to them to respect their needs and aspirations. UIA is the body that binds them together. So we must subscribe to this entity, the UIA. We have to maintain our membership by giving them what they expect and encourage new members to join. We have to show them that UIA is worthwhile and matters to them.


I hope to make UIA more visible. It has to communicate and reach out, not only to its member sections but also to potential new members. UIA has to be inclusive! Communication can be seamless with the available technology and social media today!
Members can be more engaged with UIA with the Regional VP’s and Council members being more active in their Regions. Council members should take up specific portfolios, even head or co-head the working programs and commissions. They can report directly to Council periodically on their activities.
We can achieve a lot if we engage the Members and Regional Bodies that already have several activities that are common in substance but different in content. UIA can focus on activities that can complement them. Common interest groups of architects can network worldwide to bring them closer together.

My experiences

I am one of the founders of the ASEAN Architect Council and its first Chairman. I am also a member of the APEC Architect Central Council as well as the Co- Chairman of the Malaysian National Professional Services Export Council. I am the Past-President in Council of the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) and Past Chairman of ARCASIA. I have been involved with the UIA since 1998 when I joined the Professional Practice Commission as the drafting panel member of Practice in Host Nation Policy.
My 17 years’ experience with the UIA actually gave me the grounding for my dealing with such regional organizations initially. Now I think UIA can benefit from the activities of these regional bodies that are very active in promoting services beyond the normal professional role of an architect. The architects have initiated movements to deal with Disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction, Responsible Architecture, Green and Sustainable Architecture and many more. The outcomes have been taken to governments that have accordingly incorporated them in their building regulations. It is about sharing the resources of UIA as the international umbrella body with the regional bodies such as APEC, ASEAN, ARCASIA, FPPA, UMAR, AUA and many more.

I started practice in Malaysia in 1976 and have worked in collaboration with various international firms from UK, USA, Europe, Japan, and Australia. I have also done projects in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, China, Tartarstan and Indonesia.  We must not only think globally  but also work internationally. I would like to see architects worldwide moving globally to work. It will enrich the cross-cultural engagement and sharing of technologies to provide a new meaning to architecture. UIA can facilitate this by networking architects globally.
I have undertaken several mega projects in my home country Malaysia that include airports, hospitals, universities, new towns, hotels and resorts, residential and commercial developments. I have been able to achieve these feats with the help of a dedicated professional and technical team that allows me to have some time to do voluntary work for the profession. It has been a rewarding experience and I am ready to dedicate some more of my time now to UIA.

Ar Esa Mohamed

Tag lines;
Architects for the Union
UIA unites all who are concerned about the living environment!
A noble Non Governmental Organisation (NGO)
As the umbrella body
UIA should be influential enough to advise governments.
UNESCO-UIA validation system
Young architects will be more visible!
Young architects’ voices will be heard!
Global networking facilitates mobility
UIA has to be inclusive!
UIA can focus on activities that can complement them.
UIA is about sharing the resources

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